Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Workers Comp.

Today was  the special fifth grade field trip, known as the Junior Achievement  Business City.  The kids basically get the chance to work like adults for the day. They have jobs, receive paychecks, get to shop using checkbooks, cash and a debit card, they were also to keep track of time, make sales, do presentations, and all in about a 5 hour experience.  For a group of about 100 kids, 30 parent volunteers were needed, but I'm so glad I got to be one of them. I was assigned to help with a the store Smith's Marketplace. My Simon was assigned to the Worker Compensation, where he went to businesses and did a presentation on proper stretching. It was a totally random assignment, and Simon was great at it! I"m super glad that he got to participate, What a guy!

All of the items that the kids purchased had been donated by local businesses. Simon purchased this nerd basketball hoop. Pretty cool.

Workers' Comp doing a presentation.

Simon explaining the proper way to sit.

A little view of the area.

Oddly enough, Ms. Utah was there to congratulate and hand out some random awards. Weird, but the crown was cool.

I broke down and went to the rec center to exercise.  
This is my "I don't want to exercise, and am massively out of shape, but somethings' gotta give and since I'm eating for two... maybe I should give working out a shot" face.  Look how happy I am.

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