Thursday, November 13, 2014

Safe and Sound in the Old Pueblo

After a half an hour drive to Ogden, and a 1 1/2 hour flight to Mesa, AZ, we are now officially hanging out with my sister and her family.  Kids are taking school off, Ryan has work off, and I'm not doing all of the things I normally do because we have a life celebration (aka a funeral) for Ryan's grandfather.  Returning to AZ (where both Ryan and I grew up) couldn't be more fabulous.  For one thing, we left weather where the temp was under 30 degrees (F) and landed in a warm dry climate, in the mid 60's.  We were greeted by a large bowl of caramel popcorn, an even larger Old English Sheepdog, and a 5 fabulous (mostly sleeping nieces and nephews.) So glad to be here! Also very glad for all of my pet sitters back home. Our 4 pets are vacationing in 3 homes, one house for our Cricket (dog), one house for our Greek Box Turtle (Athena) and one home for our 2 Beta fish, Angel and Elvis.

Parent teacher conferences: Annie made that purple Owl picture, Owen was given a book, and I got the accolades I soooo deserve from being a wonderful parent.

Dinner was pretty crummy... I guess it's fine to pack your chicken meal in a box, but it's just really awkward to eat it out of a box, especially when you have sides to go with it. Is Ryan supposed to hold the chicken the entire time...?

At the Ogden airport. It holds about 100 people in the entire waiting room. It was cozy and fabulous.

Annie chose to pass the time by doing some gymnastics in the terminal. I'm confidant that other passengers enjoyed the show... And mid-flight, Simon entertained the stewardess's enough that he was able to get some free snacks on Allegiant Airlines. Street dancing in the aisle while waiting for the bathroom. True story.

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