Saturday, January 31, 2015

Super Bowl Saturday

I don't think that I have ever seen an entire Superbowl game. I have no idea who is playing tomorrow, and have no favorites that I'm rooting for.  I still have no idea how football is played/scored/what the rules are.  My house is not stocked with game day goodies. But it would not be true to say that I haven't looked forward to the SuperBowl, because I have.  My very favorite part of the this season is Superbowl Saturday... at Costco.  A few years ago I wandered into Costco on the Saturday before the Superbowl, and was met with such an exciting array of samples, like 3x the number that are normally offered if you hit Costco around lunch time.  Ever since, Costco on Superbowl Saturday is an event I look forward to year round.  Today's offering did not disappoint, and afterwards, I always feel so very connected with the other Americans who enjoy the Superbowl football tradition.

Ryan felt a car wash was absolutely necessary, and he even went to a place that you have to do it yourself.  He is definitely feeling much better this week than he was last week.  He is still going to bed around 8:00pm, but feeling loads better none-the less.  The kids always love being in the car when it's getting washed.

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