Sunday, January 4, 2015

Special Sabbath

So, in my church the first Sabbath day of every month is typically reserved as a day of fasting. Our Savior set the example of fasting to grow closer to God when He fasted for 40 days.  Members of the Mormon faith, who are willing and able, typically skip two meals, and donate money for the support of those in need.  This is also seen as a great time (while fasting) to petition God about special concerns, or is a good time to try to find answers to questions, etc. Prayer is a key component of our fast. On this special (to me) fast Sunday, I need to express my gratitude to all of my family and friends for their efforts in prayer and fasting on behalf of our family. In just 2 1/2 weeks (16 days to be precise) Ryan will have an operation that will (hopefully!) remove the cancer form his body for good.  We have great confidence in his surgeon (she is no-nonsense, compassionate and intelligent) but we know that our faith is best placed in the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God of the Universe.  I'm confident that as we put our trust in Him, all things will work for our eternal good.  Thanks to all for your love and support during this journey.  And thanks for the prayers.  I love Sundays, but today will be etched in my heart.

Part of us where playing games while Owen was reading with Ryan.  Owen is looking up, jus checking to see if his father had indeed fallen asleep at 7:30pm.  And yes, he had.  

Annie, Calvin and I were playing this fun dice game that a neighbor gave us as a Christmas gift.
Super fun, I love playing games with my kids.

My friend described Cricket as a hairy piece of furniture.
She is so well behaved (and hairy), I think the description applies. 
She would officially be my favorite piece of furniture, though.

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