Monday, October 21, 2013

Safety Week!

You know your kids go to an awesome elementary school when they go to school with superhero shirts, and come home with masks painted on.  Muir Elementary holds a safety week every fall, with things like wear crazy socks and backwards clothes day. Each theme has some correlation to safety.  I don't know what today's safety message was at all, but I do know that my kids could get used to having me paint masks on them every day.  I would probably like one myself.

Owen and Cedric, and a Ghost McDonald puppet on a stick.

Simon, a.k.a. Batman.

Annie.  Apparently, the girls even got some glitter with their paint. How totally cool.
Three cheers for the PTO artist moms at the school during lunch break!

1 comment:

  1. How many painters did they have on hand?! Your kids school is amazing!
