Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Finally Here!

Today in pictures:

Simon and his Diorama.  He did it entirely out of Legos.  Parents were invited to come and check out the work of all the students, and interview them about the animals and wildlife featured. I thoroughly enjoyed our Q & A session.

Yes, you are a winner, Si-guy.

In preparation for Jade Herriot coming to visit us from Scotland, I made her an apple pie.  How very American.

The pie crust turned out entirely perfect.

Beautiful.  2 apples got consumed before they could make it into the pie.  I was planning on having more filling, but it all worked out well in the end.

"J" for Jade!  A fancy personalized pie!

SImply delightful.

This sad picture was the best I could get of a group shot.  Thanks for standing still everyone. Not.
Jade Louise Herriot, our Scottish Lassie (making 17 look fabulous) has officially arrived in Utah.  She will live with us for the next three months.  Yeah!!!!!

Ryan and Owen, helping out with the luggage.

Everyone was so very excited to see Jade.  Hello Smith family. Goodbye personal space.

Of all the running around today, I managed to take care of the very most important thing on my list:  Paint the heater pipes to look like fingers with Halloween nail polish. Check. (or "tick" if you're from Scotland.)

1 comment:

  1. So glad the fingers are back!! So happy Jade made it safe and sound what a fun time you all will have!
