Saturday, October 19, 2013

Home for Real

Today at 12:48pm I got the call from Ryan Edward Smith, telling me that his plane had just landed.  We were already in the car, on our way to the SLC airport.  We collected him at passenger pickup #2.  When I parked the car, all the kids hopped out instead of Ryan hopping in, they were so excited to finally have their dad back.  And boy did we celebrate! Tuna fish sandwiches for lunch, a car wash and vacuum, a two hour stop at the D.I, and then a delicious dinner at The Mandarin.  There is no better way to celebrate than their honey walnut shrimp. It was surprising to me how complete our family feels now that Ryan is home.  Having him gone was like eating mediocre food: box mac n cheese, dino nuggets, etc. Your'e not eating well, but certainly not starving. But he's home now!  It's like we get to eat... Mandarin again.  I forgot how good it tastes.

This is Owen's game face.

Proof. We really did get our car washed.

Annie and Owen dipping around in the D.I. (Utah's premier thrift store.)
Annie ended up getting that keyboard game thing she's holding, and Owen also decided on that small pillow pet horse thing he's snuggling into.

Captain America and Annie waiting for our dinner table.  

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