Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Neighborhood (ward) Halloween Party

10 points to Mrs. Amber Gardner for taking matters into her own hands and organizing a neighborhood (unofficial ward) Halloween party.  There were games, there was a chili cook-off, we had a witch come and make a "nice" brew in her cauldron, that helped people be kinder. We had costumes, we had cornbread, and chances are high, after all that chili, that we will all have gas tonight.  Basically, I love getting together with neighbors.  Basically, I love ward parties.  Basically, Halloween rocks.

Amber with one of her ninos.  I just loved her costume and think it is exceptionally clever.

What might those clever looking things be? WHy, those are the high quality trophies that I made for the chili cook off today! Who wouldn't want one of those bad boys?!

I got to help present the chili's for the voting (which was the time tested "clapping the loudest" measure.)

A werewolf friend with Owen Lightyear and Karate Simon.

Are there seriously more great trophies that Lindsey made? Why yes, yes there are. These are the trophies for the costume contest.

Gotta love a cookie-walk game.

Jade was visited by a herd of seminary students today.  So friendly, so welcoming, so glad Jade is making friends so easily. I love each and every one of these seminary students!