Thursday, October 10, 2013


Today I had the pleasure of going to lunch with two girlfriends to a restaurant in SLC, called CousCous.  First off, the food is entirely amazing and the prices are unbelievably reasonable.  Second of all, just a few years ago, the head chef/owner had cancer.  The couple dreamed of opening up the place, but things didn't look good with his illness.  Upon recovery, he was advised to take it easy, but instead he opened up a restaurant.  Crazy hours, long demanding days, faith in each other and their dream.  This family is nothing short of inspirational.  They are one of the most united families I have ever met.  They love each other, help each other, have each other's backs, and help all of those around them.  Basically, they put out good and God returns good back to them ( times 2).  One of my lunch buddies today is the restaurant co-owner... her man in the background whipping up edible magic.  I got emotional whilst eating my couscous and shawarma wrap, my garbonzo chips and hummus, not just because it tasted amazing, but also because of what it meant. DREAM BIG.  DREAMS CAN COME TRUE.  HARD WORK, PASSION, COURAGE, PRAYERS, DREAMS CAN COME TRUE. GO FOR IT LINDSEY! GO FOR IT ___________ (<---- insert your name there)! YOU CAN DO IT!!! 10 Points to CousCous Mediterranean Grill, and 29 points to the Shams. You've earned it.

A view of the kitchen from the table we sat at.  The head chef, Nick, is in the far right.  

My lunch. Mercy, it was fab!

Owen put himself to bed, right at the top of the stairs, on the hard ground.

A panoramic shot of the pool where SImon swims at.  Pretty cool that my camera can do panoramic shots.

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