Let us reason together. Every time a girl uses the toilet, the seat needs to be down %100 of the time. Every time a boy goes #2, the seat needs to be down as well. So the only time the seat should be up is when a boy is going pee. Really. If you are going pee, the seat needs to be up. This isn't like basketball with your dirty socks, "Hey, do I think I can make a clean shot into the hamper?" So if my math isn't wrong, and I don't think it is, it is far more likely in a co-ed house that the seat will need to be down (and clean!) than in any other position. Boys, my boys, boys of the world: You may pee standing up, only if the seat is up. Wipe the rim of the bowl after. You don't think you got some drops there, but give it a wipe anyway and Wahlah: The t.p will have a tinge of yellow on it every time! That is not lemonade. That is pee. Your pee. Flush the tissue and then put the seat back down. IF you want to get all fancy, you can even close the lid. But I would be pleased with a clean seat to sit on. The world is your urinal. I am happy for you. But for the love of all good things, know that us girls use (and prefer) an indoors, bathroom with a lock, formal, bowl shaped toilet for %100 percent of our business, and keeping the shared toilet clean will always count as doing your Boy Scout "good turn" for the day.
Every girl in the world that shares a toilet room with you.
I think it is hysterical that a lover's toilet was ever invented. How unromantic. My favorite part of this pic is the candelabra in the corner. It is most assuredly not there for romance, but to help with the stink. "Light a match!"
ANnie Joy was sent this beautiful hand made book by her Grandma Linda. It is a book that documents all of her cousins and their baptisms, with her cousins testimonies included about their special baptism day. Annie loved looking through it and is very excited for her upcoming birthday. Grandma Linda Rocks!
Hehehehehehe!! AMEN!!!