Sunday, September 22, 2013


Dear Ryan (who has been in Scotland for the last 26 days),
Your sweet daughter has once again snuggled her way into my heart, and into our bed.  When your girls have a sleep over, we read picture books and I sing songs.  We play with each other's hair and she likes to hold my hand when she's falling asleep.  It is wonderful. I try to restrict the sleepovers to just weekends (as I usually have many things to do once the kids are down, and I don't want her to get used to bunking with mom) but my resolve is fading.  Girlie time is fun.  Annie Joy is a nut and if I can't snuggle into your arms at night, I might as well have a pillow fight with our daughter.  Maybe we should do some pillow fights when you get home.

Sleeping Beauty.  She's on your side of the bed.  You can tell by your panda you leave on your night stand.

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