Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday

What may be the greatest holiday of the year is only one week away: Easter.  Talks in church today on grace, the atonement, sacrifice, friendship, loyalty, honesty, compassion, service.  It's simply refreshing.  Out and about, all I see advertised is the buy this outfit to feel special, or make sure to have your "me" time, or anything goes, just be true to yourself. Not true. In reality, I feel special when I help someone, when I sacrifice me time to spend time with my family, and I have standards and don't want to compromise them.  I hate listening to curse words. I pray before I eat.  I don't want my children to be inundated with immorality, suggestive music, girls at school who are wearing cumber-buns and calling them skirts.  Am I alone?  I can't be.  And that's why I go to church. A mini rant, I know.  And so it is time for Easter.  Time to try harder to be more Christlike. Time to evaluate what needs some improving.  Church helps me do those things. 

1 comment:

  1. AMEN, Sister! I love it! It's so refreshing to see that someone else feels the same way I do. Sometimes I feel like I am the only logical one in this world! Glad to have you there with me. :)
