Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Battenburgh Cake

Two different cakes, one pale yellow and the other a dark shade of pink.  Apricot jam.  Warm marzipan. Icing Sugar.  Skill, Dexterity, prayer.  It turned out beautifully!  Today was simply insane in the kitchen.  Full throttle the entire day.  Pommes Mousilline, Leeks Au Gratin, Vela and Ham pie, and even Beef Bourguignon, made famous by Julia Child, and even more famous by the movie Julie and Julia.  As if that wasn't enough, today was also "short order omelet day" where the instructor stops you mid tracks and has you make an omelets in 4 minutes or less. Not a terribly difficult task... but I was asked to whip my omelette up just 8 minutes before everything (all of the above dishes, that I had been working on for 7 hours) was supposed to be ready to serve!  Wowsers!   It. Was. Awesome.  I threw together an omelet, didn't burn my cheese sauce, warmed my plates and still made my 4 minute (omelet) and 8 minute (everything else) deadlines.  What a day.

Battenburgh Cake.  A terrible picture of my lovely cake. If you accidentally cut one of the blocks too skinny, then you have to cut all of the others to match in size, with the idea that all four corners will match up perfectly.  I think because I have lived in two of the four corner states, and visited the other two, that my cake blocks lined up so well.  It was the American advantage.

The sauce alone for the Beef Bourguignon took about 1 1/2 hours to make.  All the other steps in this lovely dish also took forever.  It tastes great, but as you can see, isn't' much to look at.

The omelet.  Yum. Well seasoned, runny in the middle (don't argue with me!) and served on a warm plate. Chopped parsley on top, because I felt like it.


  1. So for a meal that takes 7 hours to prepare do you call ahead to order, what would these meals be for? I know i am not a foodie but i think it all looks so good!
