Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Chemo Take Two

There's no fun way to package this: Ryan is going to do one more round of chemo to ensure that no nasty little cancers cells escaped his colon before the bad bit was removed.  This is a cautionary move; one that was approached with second and third opinions, one that was not made lightly, one that will hopefully decrease the chances of a dr. ever telling my handsome husband that he has colon cancer. Now for the details. The plan is that he will undergo 6 treatment cycles, each lasting three weeks long. He gets an iv infusion (four hour affair at the Huntsman), that's followed by two weeks of chemo pills (morning and night) and then one week to rest before the next cycle starts up.  18 weeks. I am grateful for medical advances that make treatment of this possible. I am not a fan of Ryan having to endure this, but with full faith in God and confidence in a larger plan (one in which I'm not always privy to) I know that Ryan is up for the challenge, that we will get through this together, and that in a year, we will be able to look back on this time as a time of growth, learning, faith, mercy, and support (from dear, appreciated friends and family.) In conclusion for today: "All is well", and we will "Come what may and love it."

Ryan. It's easy to see how excited he is to be back at the Huntsman Cancer Center undergoing
 chemo treatment.

Tonight the ladies in our ward (ages 8-108) gathered for a tea party.
Some of us wanted to be fancy so we wore tea party hats.

A group of playing getting to know you games.  
Well attended, well planned, well executed and loads of fun.

There is a scripture in the Book of Mormon that was the theme for the night, It reads:
"Hearts knit together in unity and love."
Feeling lots of love for my church sisters (and squirrelly daughter) tonight, and also for my two sons Preston and Calvin who came and manned the nursery and helped with the take-down.

1 comment:

  1. I wish we could all take a week for Ryan, a week where we could take his sickness. But he has to do it alone much like the Savior did. What an example of enduring it well. We are praying for you Ryan.
