Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Today's Game and Gift

Ryan is on day 16 of his 28 day chemo radiation therapy.  Every day of treatment he gets a little present, but not all presents are created equal. Some are silly, some are practical, and some, like today's gift, are designed to absolutely delight Mr. Smith.

This afternoon I sent Ryan on a treasure hunt where he collected clues and puzzle pieces...

That corresponded to my plans for our date on Friday.

The Puzzle read "I wish I was a ..." which is from one of my favorite songs, I Wish, by Skee-low.  It's about basketball. The first line is "I wish I was a baller (as in basketball.) I played the song, and then handed Ryan an envelope with our tickets to the Jazz v Suns game on Friday night.  He cried a little. Boom, baby!

I came home to this lovely edible arrangement delivered to our door.  It's like the perfect storm of art, well wishes, and fresh, delicious fruit.  Many thanks to the thoughtful gestures and words of encouragement during this crazy Smith season.

Calvin and some of his friends from church helped me set up a few rooms for a funeral that will be held at our church building. What a great group of guys!

Simon got his Arrow of Light tonight for Cub Scouts. It took three years to accomplish this goal, and I am mighty proud of him. Well done, son!

The Cub Scout activity tonight was a Box-Car derby.
Make a box look like a car and race around the gym. Three laps, with a "pit stop" in between each lap to change your tires (remove your shoes and put them on again), clean your windshield (wipe your goggles) and fuel up (eat three goldfish crackers and sip water.) It was super fun!

Doesn't really look like a car, but is still pretty rad.
Love the giant Halloween skull and the caution tape.

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