Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Simon Turns 11 / TV Time!

Eleven years ago today, Simon Stander Wright Smith was born in Eugene, Or.  We thought about naming him Eugene, but didn't.  We named him Gordon, introduced his older siblings to their new brother Gordon, but then changed our minds.  When we came home from the hospital, we had baby Simon in our arms. Preston was not happy about the name change, but got over it a few days later. In honor of his awesomeness, I wrote him the top "11Things I love about Simon Stander Wright Smith", which are:

1. His singing voice. Full of passion.
2. His dalmatian spot. His hair is blond except for a very dark spot of hair about the size of a quarter.
3. His cheerful disposition. He's a happy, loving guy.
4. His laugh. It's gleeful.
5. His love of reading.  He retains random facts and is happy when immersed in a book.
6. His fuzzy hair.  His head is like a fuzzy q-tip.
7. His prayers are very sincere.
8. His kinds.  He's a willing helper.
9. His eyes smile when his mouth smiles.
10. His love of science.  He loves to learn about the world and everything in it.
11. His commuter savvy-nesses.  He is definatley part of the generation that knows their way around computers.

Simon is rad.

Simon really wanted breakfast in bed, so Annie obliged. 

Sausage, OJ, Chocolate chip pancakes. Check. 

Fortune cookies for his class birthday treat.  I love them because they aren't messy, are totally affordable, aren't loaded with sugar, and are educational: the kids get to read their fortunes!
Simon enjoyed handing them out.

Simon's fortune was: "We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers."
That's unique.

We will have cake at his party tomorrow, but for tonight, we pigged out on drumstick ice cream cones.  Ryan wasn't feeling great but still wanted in on the action, so we had birthday ice-cream on our bed.

I taped a food demo for Studio 5.  Paradise Pumpkin Soup and Breadstick Bones.
It airs tomorrow on Chanel 5 at 1:00pm.

I think the taping went well, and the soup is out of this world fantastic!

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