Saturday, October 4, 2014

Getting Womped, Spanked, and Trounced

About a week before Ryan was diagnosed with cancer, I volunteered to be the assistant coach of Owen's soccer team. Luckily, another parent volunteered to also be an assistant coach. Upon the diagnosis, and anticipating some inflexibility to our new and unpredictable schedule, as in "cancer trumps everything" (which was a direct quote from one of Ryan's doctors) I bowed out gracefully as of the soccer coach thing.  Well, today, both of our team's coaches were called into work, and the team needed a coach, and since I have some experience with soccer, and did volunteer to help, and still feel a little guilty about backing out, I coached my very first ever game of soccer.

The game was 4 quarters long. The quarters lasted for 8 minutes.  We didn't just lose.  We got wimped, spanked, trounced.  If the score was anything less than 20 to 0, I would be shocked. I lost count. I lost track of whose turn it was to do the kickoff.  About half our team was there. The kids were so tired by the end of the game. We've played several other teams this season, and all of the games have been relatively close... but not this game.  If today's outcome was due to terrible coaching, I would willingly embrace it.  But to quote the other coach at the end of the game; "These teams are such a luck of the draw.  It just so happens that every one of the boys on my team eat, drink, and sleep soccer." I'm like... we eat cereal, we drink chocolate milk, and we slept during the game. Part of me never, ever wants to coach again, as it was such a train wreck.  The other part of me wants to coach just one more game, and win, so that my track record will be 50/50... but what if we lose, and I'm 0 for 2.  How depressing.

Handshakes after the game. Owen is number 10.
He played well, like a regular 6 year old, who doesn't practice soccer every day after school, and who has no idea who Pele is.

It is a Saturday Conference tradition that we grab tacos from the street car vendors at Sears parking lot for lunch.

My whole family, all 7 of us, ate for $22. That included drinks. Boom baby!

That is also always followed by a trip to Banbury Cross Donuts.
Annie and Owen got sprinkled, Preston, Calvin and maple glazed, Simon got a sugar coated donut, and Ryan ordered a strawberry glazed.

We all watched the Priesthood Holders session, while eating Chinese take-out. I love eating while watching conference.

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