Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Car Advert

Every adult that I know of has a giant advert on their car, or is anxiously trying to locate the perfect sales pitch to paste to their vehicle... okay, not really. But doesn't it look fab?!? My sister in law does vinyl and kindly agreed to do some letters for my car. As I see it, this major life decision to have an ad on my car has two benefits. First of all, I have one of the most common minivans known to mankind.  Half the time I can't remember where I've parked in any given parking lot, and even when I sort of remember the aisle I parked at, there are at least 3 other minivans (same make, model, year and color) that throw me off the scent of my own automobile.  Now, finding my car in the lot will no longer be a problem. But secondly, I am looking to advertise locally.  Although my cooking classes are fantastic and educational, and interesting and affordable and fun, I doubt that I will get a significant amount of students that are coming from Provo, or Pocatello, or Portland.  My car is usually around Bountiful, and I'm hoping to attract customers from around here: enter the car sticker.  Don't panic for my business, I promise this isn't the only form of advertsing I am going to try out, but it certainly is the funnest.

I've got a fast car... I think it's fast enough that I could fly away...

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