Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wild Animals

Mr. Fantastic Fox is one of my very favorite movies.  I've been thinking about how different we are all, and how that is such a blessing. Where I fall short, someone else shines and can cover the situation. When we work together, there are no gaps in our potential. The following quote is from a speech near the end of the movie.  Enjoy!

Mr. Fox: When I look down this table, with the exquisite feast set before us, I see: two terrific lawyers, a skilled pediatrician, a wonderful chef, a savvy real estate agent, an excellent tailor, a crack accountant, a gifted musician, pretty good minnow fisherman, and possibly the best landscape painter working on the scene today. Maybe a few of you might even read my column from time to time, Who knows? I tend to doubt it.
[brief pause]
Mr. Fox: I also see a room full of wild animals.
[He approaches their groups as he speaks]
Mr. Fox: Wild animals, with true natures and pure talents. Wild animals with scientific-sounding Latin names that mean something about our DNA. Wild animals each with his own strengths and weaknesses due to his or her species.
[re-ascends the brick pile]
Mr. Fox: Anyway, I think it may very well be all the beautiful differences among us that might just give us the tiniest glimmer of a chance of saving my nephew, and letting me make it up to you for getting us into this, this crazy... whatever it is. I don't know. It's just a thought. Thank you for listening. Cheers, everyone.

So funny.  I regularly feel like a wild animal.  I will be forever grateful for Brandi and Tassi Smith (in-laws) for introducing me to this gem. Take on the week.  Find someone to help.

1 comment:

  1. I should not be surprised by this. it is a favorite around here too!!
