Sunday, August 25, 2013


Today was started in maybe the best way possible: a kind neighbor welcomed us back with some Einstein Bagels. I love me some great bagels! Today went well (albeit slowly) from there.  We did indeed find a car and are now the proud owners of a charcoal grey Honda Odyssey. Buying a car is certainly not fun, but I am so very grateful that our hunting was successful.  A trip to Ikea finished the day for us.  When we left Utah last fall, we pitched, sold, and donated loads of furniture.  Now that we are home, low quality, price-is-right furniture is just what the doctor ordered.  Seriously though, I am super excited to have it all assembled and ready for use.  Only 1 more day till school starts, and only 4 more days with Ryan in the States. Boo-hoo.

My new car!  I wanted to lay on top of it in a bikini, like all of those legit car magazines,  but I don't own a bikini and the car was hot as it's summer.

I kea with Jordan!

Ryan loading "DIY" furniture into the van. 

The bunk bed for Owen and Simon.  We opened the boxes up and were like 
Q:   "!@#$%^&*()... how long is this going to take to assemble?!
A:  About 2.5 hours.


  1. I love me some Ikea too, and am super impressed with your skills to get it done in 2.5 hours! It has been so fun following your adventures in Scotland. We really should have a cousin get together one of these days, when you are sufficiently settled in of course:)

  2. Two thumbs up for a new car and new furniture, I think I need to live overseas to have such fortune :)

  3. I wanted to know did you buy your car new or used?? if used where do you look for it??
