Wednesday, December 19, 2012

More Scottish Phrases Found at Ryan's Work

"I have to crow" - Stated to announce your departure, taken from the English phrase "as the crow flies.***

"I need to get some messages" - When you need to get groceries.  This one is tricky because with some of the other Scottish phrases, you at least know that you don't know what they are talking about.  This one  just makes you think that someone is going to check their mail/inbox.***

"I haven't got a Scooby" -  A response given to a question when you haven't got a clue.  A reference to Scooby Doo, who solves mysteries with the gang by finding clues.***

"I have a largie" - Meaning I have a cold, or laryngitis.  It's pronounced with the "g" making a sound like in the word "big".***

***There is a very real possibility that none of these phrases are ever used in real Scottish conversation, and that Ryan's co-workers are just trying to play a joke on the American. I remember as a child traveling to Utah from Arizona to visit family.  My siblings and I decided that we should make up some fake terms and pass then off as Arizona lingo. "Zabula" was my personal favorite. It means totally awesome and I still use it to this day. It was nice of you to read this post, but it would be zabula if you commented below.


  1. Love you Linds!! And you are totally zabula! Miss you guys!

  2. Love you Linds!! And you are totally zabula! Miss you guys!

  3. Zabula post! I love the phrases. What's up with "I need to get some messages"? I don't get that one at all...any explanations?

  4. just love love love it!!! sooo cool!!!!

  5. Yeah I tried one of your "Scottish" terms at my thrift store on a Scottish worker "you wouldn't tell your grandmother how to suck an egg" yeah she looked at me like I was telling her to go suck an egg......I don't believe you, one bit.
