Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Shrove Tuesday

It all started with one of my friends sweetly asking an instructor if she could make pancakes for us today. (As a side note, every grocery store here has packaged pancakes in the bread isle... becasue pancakes have so many different ingredients... and take such a long time to make...) Anyway, several other classmates joined in on the request.  So I asked, why pancakes?  Apparently today is known as "Pancake Day" or Shrove (shrove = shrive = confess) Tuesday.  Today marks the day before Ash Wednesday, where many people start a fast, of sorts, for Lent, which starts 40 days before Easter.  The 40 days represents when Jesus Christ fasted.  Apparently, Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day is very well known, just as anyone (Mormon or not)  living in Salt Lake City would know about General Conference, when we get to hear from the Prophet of the world, Thomas S. Monson.  Long story short (too late!) we got our pancakes, and because we are at a cookery school, we got chocolate sauce and fresh ice cream to go with them.

Pancakes, Chocolate Sauce, and Ice Cream.  Happy Pancake Day.

Moroccan Fish Tagine

Chargrilled Sea Bass with turned potatoes.


  1. I like the idea of a 40 day fast from something, what can I give up...

  2. Yummy! Both the fish and pancakes! Maybe I'll give something up for lent too. Maybe Haggis.
