Monday, February 18, 2013

Kool Aid!

A couple weeks ago, our instructor was reviewing the techniques used for making sorbets and sherbets and ice creams.  We were discussing what stages flavorings could be added to the various recipes.  She queried "What flavors might go well in sorbets?"... and the only thing that came to my mind was "Kool Aid." Literally, Kool Aid, which is a powder that gets added to water, along with loads of sugar. It comes in several artificial flavors, is dirt cheap, and not surprisingly, didn't match any of the other suggestions that were being made by my classmates.  I was biting my lip, trying not to laugh at my simplistic, un-creative flavor option... My prayers were answered and I wasn't called on to share my thoughts.  Strangely enough, I almost never buy Kool Aid for my kids, and when I do, I usually cut the suggested sugar amount by 1/4. My mother, on the other hand, loves "Crystal Light" and her secret to making it taste so good is to throw in an extra cup of sugar.  I love my mum!

Today in cookery school we tested recipes created by our fellow classmates.
This is a milk chocolate chip Banana Cake, topped with White Chocolate Ganache, and Chocolate dipped cherries.  This was my friend, Courtney's, recipe.  I enjoyed making it, and it was very delicious.


  1. I think you should have suggested Kool aid! I probably would have said jello.
