Friday, September 26, 2014

Blue Lemon

Ryan and I met in Tucson Arizona when we were both attending the U of A.  At the time, almost all of my immediate family were living in Tucson.  It was a very big deal when we finally made the 2 hour trip North to Mesa, Arizona to meet Ryan's family.  Ryan comes from a large, close extended family and I will never forget the warm welcome that I got from Ryan's Aunt, Marilyn.  At the time, Ryan's two sisters were living out of state and his younger brothers certainly didn't care enough about meeting Ryan's girlfriend to unroll any welcome mat, but his cousins... his glorious female cousins Hope, Amy, Jill, and Allison were so kind, so genuine, so fun, so awesome. Iv'e always said that I fell in love with Ryan's family as much as I fell in love with him.  Tonight we were so lucky to have many of his wonderful cousins in town.  They are here on a girl's trip to attend the General Women's Meeting that our church holds two times a year.  We were lucky enough to meet them in downtown SLC for dinner at the Blue Lemon. After a night of wonderful conversation and tasty food, I am reminded of the blessing of being a part of this wonderful family.  How lucky I am to call myself Lindsey Joy Smith. 

I know your'e all wondering, I ordered the Blue Cheese Burger.

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