Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Seagull Party

Ryan finished knocking down the wall in the kitchen and we made what I hope will be the last big run to the dump.  Today was sunny and fairly lovely, and I like seagulls, but there was something just depressing about seeing all of them flock around the broken, abandoned, discarded possessions.

Ryan knocking down the rest of the wall: Hello to kitchen stadium.  Speaking of remodeling, Calvin has declared that Hell must be like one never ending remodel project.  I think he's right.

There were a million seagulls at the dump today.  It is a literal miracle that we didn't get pooped on.

The windshield got pooped on though.

This is one of my new kitchen chairs.  Most of them are silver, but we decided to buy bright orange, for guests of honor, or for when one of us is having an off day, or just for the funzies.


  1. I love watching this process! Love the chairs. I had no idea you were removing an entire wall! Thats big. Calvin is funny and just the other day Anna said she missed her "Calvey" :)

  2. I am getting so excited to see the finished product. I'm sure you are too.
