Thursday, February 27, 2014

Electrical Shortage

Being without a kitchen is not cool. Not a complaint, but a statement of fact. Soo, we are trying to use every spare minute that we have to get things done asap so that life can go back to normal. This weekend was supposed to be the "get all the electrical work done" weekend.  Now comes the reality of home repairs: things are rarely as simple as they appear to be, everything costs more, and staying to schedule is an adorable albeit impossible concept.  Now I will get technical.  Our house is stubbed for 100 amps. Normal homes (as in homes currently being built) are usually stubbed at a minimum of 200 amps.  We need more electricity, new wires, a new box and... a stinkin permit.  Enter working with the government.  Bountiful has only TWO people who are capable of passing permits (what the what? seriously just 2?!) And of course, one of them went in for some surgery today (as if! (fine...I hope the surgery goes well...) They are only open Monday through Thursday (of course) and the very kind, friendly receptionist said it might take 1 to 2 weeks. Holy Cow.  Ryan almost went Hulk in the office (on the inside. He remained crazy calm and cordial until we left the permit purgatory.) He explained that any real city has more than 2 people to pass permits, and for a job this cut and dry, Ryan has always been able to have it permitted over the counter, as in a 5 minute conversation. If they don't have my permit ready by Monday, I swear I am going to go witch cakes in the office, potentially do some damage, and will wind up in jail.  If that happens, please come visit me and try to sneak in some weapons.

I'm shocked at the difficulty of this electrical bit in our remodel.
Pun intended.


  1. UGGGG! When we were "building" our bank was trying to figure out if they would still fund us, with the banking crash and loss of equity. The bank told us pay for all your permits to show good faith 5K later and four days later they pulled the funding. You talk permits and I break into hives..... May the force be with you.

  2. Oh man! That stinks!!!! I hate that kind of stuff.
