Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Every once in awhile, you know that it is going to be a square egg kind of day.  Usually the wind whispers, the birds sing, and the simple meal of granola and yogurt need a little pizazz.  Thank heavens for my newest kitchen toy, the Eddington's Egg cubed3. It quickly and safely turns boiled eggs from their dull oval shape, to an exciting square! No wonder my dear friend couldn't resist sending me this for my birthday, with such claims on the box like:

"It's a hard boiled fact that square eggs are less common than round."
"Square bread was made for square eggs, that's no yolk!"
"Square eggs are more stable on the table."
"Create your own square eggs before evolution does it for you."

Take it from me, a professional chef, this is a must-have kitchen tool.  I seriously don't know how I've lived without it. It's the simple things in life that bring the most joy, like square eggs.

The before shot. The egg was carefully and safely placed into the egg cuber.  
The magic words were chanted three times.
Owen's tummy growled once.

Freedom. The egg has been released from it's square jail, only to discover that square suits it even better than oval.  No friends, the egg cuber doesn't only work in Scotland.  Wherever there is breakfast, you will find it. Wherever there is hunger, it will be there. Wherever squares are threatened, you will find... The Egg Cuber!

1 comment:

  1. Damon and I saw this egg cuber on Saturday at Orson Gygi. We were tempted to buy but thought that if we start with cubed eggs where will it end...cubed apples, or pickles, what about tomatoes. I love that you have one to enjoy. Miss y'all.
