Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hawaiian Sunday

On our to do list was get a drink in a pineapple. Done.

Go to church on Sunday. Done. 

Check out the Hawaii temple grounds. Done.

Take a picture with my squirrel of a daughter, in her fabulous Hawaiian print dress. Done.

Family picture in front of the temple/ meet my Bishop's sister in law on the temple grounds (crazy small world!) Done.

Visit the Temple Visitor's Center. Done.

Learn about the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor. Done.

1177 men died on that ship alone, most around 19 years old. Tragic.
It was a Sunday well spent. Spending time with my family, enjoying nature, thinking about my Savior and those who sacrificed so much. 

1 comment:

  1. Living the dream. It looks so amazing, lucky Smith kids!
