Monday, July 1, 2013

The Bet

The activity for tonight's Monday family togetherness was bowling.  I found a smokin coupon that got the entire family an hour of bowling and a large cheese pizza for £10.  Better still, we could use 2 coupons and make it 2 hours of bowling (and two pies), which we did.  Ryan and I decided to make things a little more interesting, so we made a little wager.  If Ryan won, I would bring him breakfast in bed tomorrow.  If I won, he would rub my feet tonight (which incidentally he promised he would do every night night of our married lives if I said "yes" to his proposal, which FYI, he has not done.)  I think that we must have gone bowling like 10 years ago, and by some random miracle, or an acute illness on Ryan's part, I won.  I inexplicably have held this belief in my heart for quite some time: that I am a better bowler than Ryan.  This is simply not the case.  I am writing this information down, here and now, so that I don't forget this important fact.  Ryan is a better bowler than I am.  I have a hazy memory of other bowling bets made with him, and I lose... every time.  I need to embrace that a bowling bet with Ryan is a bet that I will lose.  And lest any of you be mislead, Ryan is not a great bowler, I am just a bad bowler.  He managed a 113, I eked out a 92.  Nothing for either of us to be proud about, but I still have to get up and make him breakfast in bed tomorrow... but I will have the last laugh.  At 4:05am tomorrow morning, he will be woken up to a steaming bowl of lumpy oatmeal (I know how to make it smooth, but where's the fun in that?!)

Bowling for FHE.  Loads of fun.

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way for me to alter the score board to show that I am winning (which is clearly a losing attitude.)

You know Ryan's a good bowler because he has his right leg kicked behind his left leg, at a jaunty angle. 

Preston was not with us tongiht becasue he is in Preston, England at the youth temple week.  In lieu of girl's camp or scout camp, the youth will hang out at the temple Monday-Saturday, staying at the temple accomodations, doing baptisms for the dead in the morning, and various fun activities in the afternoon/night.  I know he will have a brilliant time.

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