Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sunday Joy

One of my very favorites things about this lovely fine weather we are finally having is that we can walk to church... if we get up on time and make it a priority. 9:00am church may not sound early to some, but I think it is 1 hour and 30 minutes to early. Some congregations meet in their building, and they are the only ones to meet on a Sunday. But in Utah Mormon congregations, several groups (sometimes three) will all share a building on any given Sunday. We rotate every year, and we are currently on the 9:00am rotation, but will move to the 1:00pm in January.  Our services are three hours long, so it's nice that we don't overlap, so we also don't run out rooms.  Regardless or the time, or the method of transportation, I'm grateful to go to church with my family.

Owen scootering to church, whilst wearing his boot (bc of the incident of the broken leg.) Classic.

I made an apple pie for dessert and forget to take a picture of it.
Preston was sharing a bite with Norman. Darling. 

*** This post is for Sunday, May 29th, 2016***

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