Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Laddie and Lass have arrived!

Ryan is officially a doctorate student at Edinburgh Napier University in Edinburgh, Scotland.  Which is just plain fun.  He is working closely with a colleague in Scotland and they set up a student internship for some Scottish students. We got to pick up Ross and Caroline last night at the airport, to discover that both of them lost their luggage (bummer.) But Caroline's hair was red, and Ross has an accent so thick that I had no idea what he said during most of the car ride to the home where they will be staying. It was super fun to hear the beloved Scottish accent. I tried to give them a proper welcome, attempting to make them feel at home by wearing my Highland Cow hat.  Ryan wouldn't wear the Loch Ness monster hat that I grabbed for him... but later he felt really bad about letting the opportunity pass... but not really.  Welcome to the States!

What's that green tail with red spikes tucked under Ryan's arm? His Nessie hat.  Sometimes when he's sad or having a bad day, he wears it and it cheers him up.

We had all of Ryan's employees from the university of Utah's ITAC center over for dinner... and to watch Simon do some street dancing.

***This post is for Sunday, August 2, 2015***

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