Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day # 1

On this first day of school my sweet little Norman woke up around 4am and wanted some milk. I woke up to him, and a raging migraine. I fed him, tried to read the migraine medicine dosage through blurred vision, and proceeded to go back to bed.  It's hard to sleep when my head is throbbing, every noise sounds 30x louder, and the whole blurred vision thing still happens when my eyes are closed. Weird.  So I did not get to wish Calvin (8th grade) and Preston (11th grade) well on their first day of school.  No pics of them either; lame. I did not get to make a crazy awesome good luck at school breakfast. Ryan made pancakes, though, which is still pretty good.  By the time my younger three needed to leave, I was able to get up and walk them. Despite this lame send off, every one still had a really fabulous first day. I'm so glad this day has finally arrived. Long live school day #1! Down with migraines forever!

It didn't even occur to me to get individual pictures of them.
They are excited and eager for this school year, and I'm super happy with their teacher assignments.

****This post is for Monday, August 24th, 2015****
My computer is no longer buffed, so I'm back to posting. It only took 1.5 hours at the apple store. Worth every minute.

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