Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Owen's Day

Owen and I went to the beach today for his end of school party.  We walked to the train station where we met the other parents and their lads and lasses that were congregating.  We bought a ticket and boarded the train for a 30 minute ride to Kinghorn Beach.  The train station dropped us right next to the water on a long expanse of sand and shallow water.  Owen loved the day, swam a bit with his school pals.  We ate some chips (fries) and four hours later boarded the train back to Edinburgh.  All in all a fun, tiring day. 

Owen and Aaron, his friend from school.

Owen and Oakely on the cliff, dangerously cute.

Owen and school pals in the North Sea.

I have been writing Owen's name like this as long as I can remember he has been alive.  This is the 'O'-man.

Owen coming out of the sea.


  1. Since you went on an adventure today, I figured you might want to try going here

    the fairy pools in the Isle of Skye, might want to check it out, if you live anywhere close, not good with my Scottish geography.

  2. No wonder you named him Owen, I love his O-man!I want to go to the fairy pools, I hope it is close!!!
