Family, Photos and Food. I LOVE Thanksgiving!
Counting my many blessings, too many to name them one by one.
We got up super early for a lovely photo shoot. All the kids behaved. All the women were beautiful. All the men were strong... We changed Norman about thirty seconds before we started our photo shoot, so naturally he spit up about four seconds before the first picture was taken. I was attempting to clean the spit up. Luckily, non elf it landed on my mum.
My parents with their 20 grandkids.
Boom, baby.
Lots of waiting during the picture taking. Lots of fun hanging out.
Everyone took turns snuggling Norman, because he's just a piece of baby fudge.
I am so excited to see how his pictures turned out.
How lucky am I to have this nut as my daughter?!
All the men.
Giant turkey, only 24 pounds. But this year, I did not injure my rotator cuff.
Lots of help to feed this baby. What a good big brother Owen is.
How am I not supposed to want to live next door to this woman?!
The kitchens fairy godmothers, making culinary dreams of deliciousness come true.
Beautiful table settings, thanks to my mother and some help from grandkids.
Ryan isn't angry, I think he's just hungry. Good thing that a feast has been prepared.
***Happy Thanksgiving! November 26th, 2015***