Thursday, May 9, 2013

Due Tomorrow

A paper.  Assigned weeks ago.  Forgotten. Until the night before it's due.  Preston Smith: Guilty.  Punishment: Cramming  a few weeks work into one long, painful night.  Paper Assignment: Voluntary Euthanasia.  Not fun.  Ten points to my own parents who acted out this exact scene with me, about twenty years ago.  I feel your pain.  And you were right, I should have started my assignment sooner, and it would have turned out a lot better if I had.

I am the one that writes my own story, I'll decide the person I'll be.


  1. What goes in the plot, and what does not, is pretty much up to me.
    We had a weeklong crunch time ending yesterday. It's like the schools are proud of how insane the month of May is.

    1. That really is one of my favorite church songs! May is always nuts, which is why I love June!
