Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Norman is super excited about our vacation to the big island, but has been really nervous about not being able to swim. So I signed us up for some swim classes. Really. We're doing the mom/tot party in the pool, and it was so.much.fun.  The class is 25 minutes long, and he was loving every minute of it, until minute 23.  He's so wee that he didn't need a pep talk about trying his best, or making the most of this opportunity (like his older siblings when they're in their own swim classes) he just needed to get the heck out of the water, so that's what we did.  I highly recommend a mom/tot swim class, not because your baby is going to learn mad swimming skills, but because they look so cute in their baby swim suits, and what mom doesn't want to be seen in a swimsuit in public?!

Unrelated: Preston asked some lovely girl to homecoming.  He wanted to make it a special event, so he got her a rose, some chocolates, a bear and a blanket with a sign saying something about "not being able to bear not going with her." What was so lame was that he didn't get a pic of the invite.  Anyways, what fun. 10 points for Preston.

My little fish!

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