Friday, June 5, 2015

Our Dog Hero!

Our beloved dog just had her 10th birthday, which makes her 70 in dog years, and 57 in cat years (the cat equation is 15 years for the first year, add 10 years for the second year, and then 4 years for each additional year - who on earth came up with that algorithm?!) Cricket is a retired guide dog for the blind. One year ago we lucked out because some fabulous friends in our church congregation were looking for a home for their guide dog, as Crickets age meant it was time for my friend to get a new, younger guide dog. She was hoping for an "open adoption" which means that all the people that love Cricket are still part of her life. Brilliant. Long story short: we love our Cricket dog. We are constantly trying to measure up to the wonderful home and loving family Cricket came from, and she is more lovely than we deserve!

Happy Birthday Cricket!

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