Monday, May 11, 2015

I'm lovin it!

I'm loving watching my kids compete together in the Splash and Sprint triathlon!  Annie and Simon gave it their all, and with crazy foul rainy weather, the fact that they even finished was impressive. Even more lovely was having their grandparents (my mom and dad) there to cheer them on! Wonderful!... Also, love was in the air for my cousin and his new bride who got married today at my Aunts gorgeous cabin.  Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage... And last but not least, my oldest was in a a competition for the best musical in the state of Utah. His school ended up winning best director, sets, technical, and best lead actress. No pics because I wasn't there, but he had a great time.

Nana did Annie's hair. She looked fabulous and thoroughly enjoyed getting her race number written on her arm and calf.

The kids also thought the ankle timer thing was way cool as well.  Simon flexing while holding his shirt sleeve up with his chin. Tricky.

Nana and Papa waiting for their grandkids to jump into the pool to start their race.

Annie cruising on her bike.

Simon tryign to get his sock on after the swim portion. Not an easy task while still pretty wet, and being rained on.

Well done kids, and they love their medals.

SO glad that it didn't start snowing for the wedding, which it almost did, in stinkin May! Utah weather is nutsy.

*** This post is for Saturday, May 3, 2013***

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