Thursday, May 28, 2015

Happy Heart Attack

After a long and lovely church meeting, I came home to a bedroom door that had been heart attacked by Annie and Owen.  Annie is always in engaged in a project of some kind (sometimes kind hearted, occasionally mischievous) and Owen is a very willing Robin to her Batman.  Speaking of medical terms, like heart attacks, lets talk chemo.

Ryan had an appointment at the Huntsman Cancer Center, and we finally get to close a chapter in the Colon Cancer Saga.  It was officially declared and decided that Ryan Edward Smith is done with his chemo.  He fought his way through three long months of preventative chemotherapy treatment.  After putting on a brave face with red swollen hands and feet, exhaustion, blisters, peeling, cracking, hot and cold spells, nausea, dizziness and occasional (but sincere) outbursts of declarations of his love for me and our children, he can now hop off the chemo train.  Outlook: Excellent.  He now has just one more surgery (in about a month) to hook everything back up, and then we will hop onto white horses and ride into the sunset.  I am married to a champion.  How grateful I am to be able to look back on the adventure that the last 9 months have been,  and to know that there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel (and that it is not an oncoming train.)  How hard it is to face the unknown with courage, and how gracefully my husband has done just that. To quote a Book of Mormon prophet: "and now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come."  How did Ryan tackle colon cancer, without falling to pieces? His testimony of the Lord who "knoweth all things."... and Ryan's belief in the council found in Proverbs to "Trust in the  Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path." True that.  Many thanks to our family and friends for your support, love, and prayers.  We are definitely approaching the finish line of this race.

Partners in crime. Red shirts, smiles, thumbs up.


  1. This is the news I've been praying for. I love you all. Tearing up a bit.

  2. I am glad Ryan's future looks so bright and your faith was such a source of strength for your family. Reading your blogs strengthened my faith too. Best wishes!

  3. Hip, hip hooray! OK. So I read your blog daily and this is my first comment. Lame that it took me so long to click the comment button, but this post deserves a, "Hallelujah!" Well endured Ryan and Lindsey! You're my heroes. So much grace.
