Monday, March 21, 2016

Almost 17 Years Without a Break...

In honor of the beautiful weather Utah finally got yesterday, my sweet children were enjoying nature and each other outside in a very mild, totally non-competitive game of baseball (for reals.. we had no gloves, or bases, no one was running, and we weren't really even on teams.) It was all very relaxing and enjoyable until someone decided to slide into first base whilst Owen was attempting to tag his sibling out. It looked a little like Owen jumped up and out of the way for the slider, but in reality he flew up because of the force of impact and his right leg is officially broken. Both his tibia and fibula, about an inch above the ankle. With Ryan out of town last night, I called some friends to give him a special Priesthood blessing. Sooo, this kid who has been waiting for the baseball season for 11 months, and who was all signed up and ready to go, will be waiting another year to play.  Not sure what today will bring; another visit to the doctor at Primary Children's this time, temporary cast? final cast? surgery for some hardware? all are still options at this point. 3 cheers for tylenol with codeine! And high quality medical care! And friends! And crutches! And that Owen isn't a big pig... because he's going to be carried around a lot for the next few days.

Definitely a thumbs down kind of an afternoon.

Being brave. Looking sad.  Temporary cast.

Before the infamous (in-famous) baseball ball, and right before Norman's bath. Baby bum. Mercy.

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