Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bonnet Films

On Sundays, in an attempt to make the day unique (keep the sabbath day holy) we try to avoid a lot of the regular things we do on every other day of the week.  We don't shop, go out to eat or to places of entertainment like miniature golfing. We also try to watch good clean happy peaceful shows, which usually means stuff produced by my church or veggie tales.  When my sister came to visit to help with Norman, she explained that a dear friend of hers also likes to include "Bonnet Films" for her Sunday routine, and she also testified that Bonnet Films are an excellent way to pass the time whilst nursing. I simply love bonnet films, such as Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Persuasion, etc.  And I also believe that bonnet films have truly helped me with nursing.

Though I'm not a huge fan of who was cast in this movies, I think it is stilly very well acted, Two thins up o

Love it. Mr. Darcy. Enough said.

I saw this which my motter and Ssiters whislt ditching work,

See, he does have eyer!

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