Thursday, June 2, 2016

Missing Soul Mates

In an effort to keep on top of Norman's clothes, I decided it was time to get rid of some of the smaller things that he can't wear (boo to him getting bigger!) and bring in some of the newer items that have been waiting for him to grow (three cheers for him getting bigger!) As I sorted, I thought I should tackle his socks. I seriously can't wrap my mind around the fact that this little boy has twenty five (25!) socks that are missing their soul mates.  Where, oh where have they gone?! It truly is a romantic tragedy.

As sad as a missing soul mate is, I think I'll hold on to these socks and maybe start a new baby trend: one sock on because little clothing items are darling, and one sock off because little toes are simply adorable... or maybe I'll just go purchase a few more pairs of socks.

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