Friday, March 10, 2017

The Other Shoe (or Log) Drops

To be continued... now.

SO I wake up Saturday morning in lovely Tucson, AZ on our short AZ vacation... which was also a work trip for my handsome husband as he was giving a lecture at the hotel we were staying in. My twin and womb mate picked me up at my hotel and we hadn't been in the car for more than 1 minute (literally, not longer than 60 seconds) when I get a call from Weber...Valley...Hospital. My sweet, lovely son Simon had been at an overnight campout with the Boy Scouts of America*. It was a Klondike event, meaning a cold-weather/ snow campout (which sounds like fresh hell to me) but Simon thought it sounded like fun. Attended by several troops with about 100 boys in attendance. Sooo, back to Tucson and the phone call... I was informed by one of his leaders that... he had been hit in the head... by a very large log... at the log throwing contest (What?!)... and he had been standing... in an approved area.

Do the math. Words fail me. I don't think I am able to properly express how quickly a stomach can go from airy fluffy butterflies, aka joy at seeing my terrific twin (we live exactly 793 miles apart.) to the feeling one gets that your son is at a small hospital, getting a brain scan. Sooo, Ryan's lecturing so I can't get a hold of him. His Scout leader said that they debated wether to even take him in bc Simon seemed to be doing well... but thank heaven caution carried the day. By the time I heard back from the doctors etc, Ryan and I would be flying home in less than 24 hours, and the doctors were confident that he could be sent home, not even needing to remain in the hospital. The results were in: Simon would be heading home with a giant goose-egg, a massive headache, a concussion and a skull fracture. As in his skull had been struck hard enough by a log at a Boy Scout log throwing contest* that it cracked... the crack running from his goose egg to sinus his cavity.

I'm writing this about 6 weeks later, so I get to give an update about his progress. He stayed home for a week from school, and wasn't allowed to read (which killed him dead) or play on his phone. He still can't participate in any sports or his PE class, and had to take 6 weeks from his clarinet in band. He went back to school 10 days after the accident and could only handle half days, which usually ended in dizziness and headaches.  6 weeks later his headaches are mostly gone. His spirits are insanely high, because that's how Simon rolls.... When people ask me how his doing, I typically say... "he's okay, but we'll see how it's going in 6 months. Skull Fractures are a Big. Deal."

So that's what that looks like. 
I'm so grateful for the Scout leader that insisted a hospital visit was in order, and for the tender care Simon got whilst with him.

A few days later. Crazy swollen head.

A few more days later: Black eyes.

A trip to Chick-Filet was earned!
My hard and fast rule? Skull Fracture = Chick Filet

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (still in Tucson), after Simon's medical details got sorted, we went to eat at a beloved hotdog stand.
Sonoran Hotdogs: check off my bucket list.

SO doesn't that look fabulous?! Bacon wrapped hotdog, indeed.

The night was spent celebrating my Fathers Birthday! 69 trips around the sun!
We love John Albert Holman!

 * It's no well kept Lindsey secret that I have a like/hate relationship with scouts. For the most part, my boys enjoy the program. The leaders are volunteers who do their best to help the young men they work with... It's also the youth program for the boys in my congregation (ages 8-18)... and the scouts program involves more time (for both the leaders and the boys), costs more money (both for individual families and the church budget)  and gets more accolades (think monthly Court of Honor) than it's female counterpart program.... I also can't picture a female run program doing a log throwing contest... other than all that....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fresh hell indeed! I'm so glad he's ok!

  3. I LOVE this kid, he brings so much joy to so many. He is fantastic and I will pray for his continued recovery.
