For the love of all good things, we have finally arrived: our schools are officially in session! My kids began yet another year of their academic careers; a senior, a freshman, 7th grader, 5th grader, 3rd grader, and my own special side-kick/flubanoid who is now 1 1/2 and won't officially be in school until I'm 73 (at least that's what it felt like today.) All in all, everything went well... except for the morning walk where my toddler, dog and I escorted my elementary kids to school. I was hoping that we would arrive earlier than we did, and so we were rushing a bit to the school. Once at the top by the cross walk, I was snapping some first day school pics...when with my back turned (but leash in hand) my darling dog pooped on the pavement about a foot from the sidewalk, in the middle of the road. I had a bag to dispose of the waste... but it was runny/liquidy and there wasn't a whole lot I could do... luckily on the curb there was some dried weeds and grass clippings which I dumped on top of the poo. Helpfully, a parent testily pointed it out to me, as I was in the midst of wrestling a sick dog, a fussy baby and kids that wanted some last minute mom attention, that my dog had just done what she did. Classic. This is exactly how I pictured sending my kids into this new year. May this morning not be somehow symbolic of how the rest of this school year is going to go.
Aren't they darling?!... now picture a sick dog (Norman is probably looking at our poor
dog/the scene of the crime.)
Preston: he's going to rock his senior year.
I got to drop my dear cousins off to college (BYU bound, but we love them anyways:~)
These two wonder women are destined for success. Get ready Provo, bc the Coleman girls are here!
Jordan's stuff. Outside her building.
Her room. First to arrive means first pick means bottom bunk.
Super Sophomore!
Madison getting the "welcome to the dorms" speech.
Her new place! What a fabulous freshman.