A sneak peek at what the Smith family photo shoot looks like behind the scenes.
Norman has only one shoe on bc he stepped in dog poo. Ryan and I both got poo on our hands in pathetic attempts to clean it off. Truth.
My special* guy. Special was Simon's favorite adjective for the first 4 years of his life.
Calzone. Handsomer.
I simply love this picture. It's entirely suspicious.
Nothing says romance like a couples picture with your 6 children heckling you in the background. He's acting surprised, but I do this at least 20 times a day:~)
I'm laughing bc Norman was in a bit of a meltdown most of the family photos group pictures. Fun.
This was the best we got. Our photographer/ dear friend, is totally lovely and talented.
So many boys. There's just so many of them.
Up to no good.
The girls. We can hold our own in this crazy family.
Calvin's jig, just passing the time.
haha those are so great!!!