Friday, August 25, 2017

Finally, Summer 2017 Ends!

I'de like to think that we made the most of this summer... but by the time the Utah schools finally start up again, my will to engage in meaningful summer activities is virtually nonexistent. And so, in an answer to the prayers of every summer weary parent in Davis County, Utah, school finally started on Wednesday, August 23rd.  7:30am for high school. 8:10am for junior high. A weekend 8:45am for my elementary school friends. And in an effort to ease into the transition of not losing my mind anymore,  the elementary school had early out. All week. All three school days of this week. Mercy and Uncle.

Calvin - Sophomore.

Simon - 8th grade.

Annie - 6th grade.

Owen - 4th grade.

The little one in the yellow shirt, sitting in the stroller is going to have a pretty long year without his summer play friends.  On the plus side, all three school days were celebrated by a nice long toddler nap. 10 points to Norman!

What a blessing it is to have access to high quality education.  
Here's hoping my kids make the most of it!

1 comment:

  1. All spiffed up ready to take on the world. Go gettum Smith kiddos!!
