Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election 2016

I, like many American's, am still trying to process the events of this week. I have many dear friends that voted for Hillary, for Donald, and who opted to write-in a candidate of their choosing. But when the dust settled on Tuesday (in spite of Hillary winning the popular vote) the electoral college has designated Donald as our next president of the United States. And with regards to this election, "united" is something we are not. I'm not going to get all doomsday, but I am going to state how incredibly sad I am that of all the good people, in various political parties, of all the qualified, intelligent, honest, hardworking individuals that could fill this role, we are left with him. Many that voted him in are staunch, proud supporters. I know that some Donald voters held their noses as they cast their ballots. In exit polls, over 20% of the population stated they voted for him, but didn't think he is qualified to do a good job (what sense does that make?!)  What is to be said? We are a nation divided.  I still can't fathom that anyone saw the video that was leaked just a few weeks ago, and found him worthy of a vote.  Even worse, is that the video didn't shock me. His character has been on display for years.  I'm just so incredibly sad. In reading one of my favorite blogs (by common consent) I found a comment about the election that resonated with me. I'm sorry I can't thank the anonymous poster personally. It eloquently explains my feelings on why my heart is heavy from the choice America has made.

PS - please know that if you voted for Donald, we can still be friends.
PPS - please don't reply to this post explaining the faults of the other candidates. We are left with Donald as our president. This post is about him, and about us for choosing him. Thanks.

And evidently, America didn't see Donald's treatment of women as a deal breaker either.

1 comment:

  1. Lindsey, I usually don't comment on your posts, because I know you keep this blog mostly as a journal, but.... all I can say is "Amen". You hit it spot on. You rock.
