Sunday, November 17, 2013


If anyone is looking for a killer Christmas gift to give to kids aged 4-12, I've got it for you. Its a little gem called "Brik-a-Blok." My inspired Mother in law purchased this for my kids for Christmas a few years ago, and I seriously have no idea how we ever got on before them, or what a Sabbath day would look like without them all over my living room.  Brik-a-Blok is an interlocking plastic panel thingy that snaps together to form: houses, tunnels, kennels, whatever you want.  Even better, they are large, so kids and pets can climb in them.  Chuck sleeping bags and pillows inside and you have a cozy fort.  Really, it is fantastic.  My Christmas product endorsement, brought to you before Thanksgiving.  What the heck.

This was tonight's entertainment, courtesy of Annie, Owen and Simon.  Good stuff.

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