Saturday, October 27, 2012

Scottish Pumpkins

Scottish pumpkins look exactly like American pumpkins, but if you put your ear up close to the stem, like how you would listen to a sea shell, you can hear bagpipes... We carved pumpkins tonight and had a grand old time.  Only one of us got a cut, and she didn't yell or scream or cry.  It was just a minor flesh wound on my middle finger, not even requiring a plaster (Which is what the Scotts call bandaids. Simon told us this and all the kids thought he was making it up, but true to Simon's reputation for knowing random facts, he was correct, having heard it at his school.) No one will be pulling up the pictures below, wanting to recreate the magic of a Smith pumpkin, but we did have a good time, and listened to Thriller while carving.

This is a street right by our home, Grey's Loan.  Just a picture of the leaves changing color.

Calvin didn't want to get his hands gooey.

Annie carving, Ryan scooping.

Owen scooping, Ryan smiling.

Owen posing.

Calvin and Simon working hard.

Calvin wanted me to do the mouth on his pumpkin.  It turned out well.  Simon's pumpkin died and he will need a replacement on Monday.  

* Where are the final result pumpkin pictures? Guess you'll have to wait until 
Halloween to see them all lit up.

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