Tuesday, December 22, 2015

DMV take two!

A few months ago Preston took drivers ed, filed out forms, took his test, and got his temporary paper license, and waited for his real one to come in the mail. And come it did.  I grabbed the mail as we were headed out on a family adventure. Preston wasn't with us. I opened it and thought "What an attractive picture of my handsome son." A few weeks later Preston commented about how long it was taking the DMV to send him his license... and thats when I realized, with horror, that someone in the family, most likely myself, had probably accidentally pitched my 16 year olds drivers license.  All I can say is that profuse apologies were offered, and he took the news incredibly well.  Today, our schedules were finally able to match with the DMV and we ordered a second license.  This isn't the first time I've done something vexing to this son, and I'm sure it won't be the last. But for only $18, I was able to make things right... I just need to make sure that he gets the mail from the mailbox for the next 3 weeks.

Doesn't he look impressed?!
I love the random dude in the back that's giving the peace sign for our photo op.

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